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Data Engineering Fundamentals

Recommended Readings

This chapter is very introductory. The recommendation is Martin Kleppmann's book Designing Data-Intensive Applications

Key topic from the chapter:

  • Modes of Dataflow
    • Data Passing Through Databases: The simplest mode, but the slowest because it relies on multiple processes to read/write from the same database.
    • Data Passing Through Services: This is a request-driven architecture. Data is passed from service A to B directly through request. The main issue with this architecture is that it become excessively complicated the more services you have depending on each other's data synchronously.
    • Data Passing Through Real-Time Transport: The event-driven architecture bypass that issue because the services writing and reading messages/events are decoupled, the communication is made through a broker. Also, we use the in-memory storage to broker data. The two most common types of real-time transport are pubsub (publish-subscribe) and message queue:
      • PubSub: Any service can read or write to different topics in a real-time transport, and the service that generated the event doesn't care about the services consuming it. Common solutions for PubSub are Apache Kafka, Amazon Kinesis, and Google Cloud Pub/Sub.
      • Message Queue: Often an event (or message) generated is destined for a specific consumer, and the message queue is responsible for delivering the right message for the right consumer. Common solutions for message queue are Apache RocketMQ and RabbitMQ.